Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What do ironers do on a weekend ?

From the archives of All things Ironing - Humor.

So what do ironers do on the weekend ? Pack up their ironing boards and...

... go surfing of course :)

Ironing board Surfing beginner ? Here are some hints.

Positioning is all important when it comes to surfing. If your feet are not positioned correctly you will fall off or not be able to make decent turns. If you are not in the correct position when paddling for or catching waves then you will find yourself taking a pounding whenever you surf.

If you are not correctly positioned on your ironing board when riding on the wave then you will not be able to keep up the momentum necessary to ride the wave.

Attaining good foot position as soon as you get on the ironing board is desirable so you can get straight into your surfing. You don't want to concentrate on sliding your feet up and down the ironing board when you could be carving it up dude!.

Keep your body slightly crouched to lower your center of gravity. You will find you pobably have your arms out wide to aid with balance which is great. Keep your knees bent at all times, riding a wave can be a bumpy ride. Your body will be turned to the side (which you can see demonstrated in the picture above) and the top half of your body will be turning to face forward.

The origin of this image has not been determined. Found at searching for 'ironing'

and the week goes on...

The end of week came by faster than expected. Overall, another good week. All the work got done and delivered on time. No customer complaints.

Sadly, our trainee driver was not successful by the end of the first weeks trial. Although he is a lovely young man with high principals and pleasant manor, an Osca driver requires to have some basic skills, like a Victorian driver's licence. Personally, we were privileged to meet, however personal feelings aside, we are in the business of providing the best posssible service to our customers and ultimately it is the customer's intersts that determine the outcome. Never mind, we'll keep looking.

The workshop crew are still enjoying the new jigsaw puzzle and it is beginning to take shape.


The new sleeve arms are being made. The sleeve arms are used to iron garments such as 'ladies shirts' enabling ironing a sleeve without a crease. Although we've used various manufactured arms, ultimately the best kind are ones we can make our selves to a customised size and shape design.

step 1 - measure accurately.
step 2 - if measuring accurately fails, draw line by hand
step 3 - once the wood is cut to shape, the ventilation holes are drilled.
"Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert hall."
- A day in the life.
step 4 - the sanding and shaping begins on the bottom side.
step 5 - the top (most important) edges are rounded and smoothed.
step 6 - 'Hey Presto', five new arms ready to be covered with padding.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Ironer (La Repasseuse)

The Ironer (La Repasseuse) c. 1850
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva

(b. 1792, Genève, d. 1852, Rueil)

Pradier was in Italy from 1813 to 1819 and thus missed the upheavals of the fall of Napoleon and the Bourbon Restoration. He returned from his years in Italy an almost unblemished classicist. Yet, after 1830, he infused a new sense of modernity and sensuality in his art. His conversion to realism was sincere and led to him being a pioneer of everyday subjects, such as the Ironer. Significantly, such works are small-scale bronzes. In this semi-private type of sculpture it was possible to experiment with innovations without undermining the values of mainstream monumental sculpture.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday, and all's well. 

I relayed Sue's comments on the quality of predampening yesterday to Harjit and Ishani this morning.  It is a tricky business knowing just how much moisture a particular fabric might need in order for it to "just right" to iron.  If it is too wet it will need to be dried out and take too long on the table.  If it is too dry it will need further predampening, and again, take too long on the table.  Though Harjit has already been at Osca for over 4 months, getting that "just right" balance takes a bit of training and a lot of practice and understanding of fabric types and how they had been laundered and dried.

Ishani, who has only joined us a few weeks ago is realizing just how much she still has to learn.  So far she has only been learning the correct proccess of ironing the perfect Osca shirt.  This week she he has

Nimali is progressing very well with her English.  She has decided to start a Thesaurus for herself, rather than continuing to rely on translations in her dictionary.